Our Vision is:
A dynamic & prosperous community.
Our Mission is:
To provide quality, accessible services responsive to the needs of job seekers & employers through individualized solutions & mutually beneficial partnerships.
We Value:
Inclusivity, Empowerment, Compassion, and Respect.
Our History.
Spark Employment Services, previously named Sudbury Vocational Resource Centre (SVRC) was established in 1986 to respond to restructuring that was taking place in the mining industry. SVRC rebranded to Spark Employment Services in 2019.
The initiative was called Project 25-44 and was designed to re-integrate males receiving social assistance back into the labour force. As a result of this highly successful program, the organization expanded to provide services in partnership with Federal, Provincial and Regional governments.
Spark Employment Services incorporated in 1986 and has charitable status.
Spark Employment Services Charitable Number 128101615RR0001.
The organization has a Board of Directors that is highly committed to maintaining a productive, warm and friendly environment where employment and training information can be obtained.
Our Mandate.
The Board of Directors, established the organization's mandate:
- to provide a resource centre to assist unemployed clients to secure employment
- to provide employment counselling and referral to other services and programs
- to network on issues regarding literacy/numeracy
- to provide literacy/numeracy to clients to ensure that the utilization of community programs, services and resources are available to the unemployed
- to enhance their employability
Staff Directory
If you wish to contact one of our Staff Members, please contact Spark Employment Services through one of our contact options or use the direct options below.

Chantal (she/her)
Chief Executive Officer
Email: chantalm@sudburyemployment.ca

Vinoth (he/him)
Finance Manager
Email: vinothm@sudburyemployment.ca

Dhwani (she/her)
Organizational Change Manager
Email: dhwanib@sudburyemployment.ca

Robin (he/him)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager
Email: robinb@sudburyemployment.ca

Shruti (she/her)
Marketing and Event Coordinator
Email: shruti@sudburyemployment.ca

Lynne (she/her)
Administrative Assistant
Email: lynneg@sudburyemployment.ca

Kim (she/her)
Administrative Assistant
Email: kims@sudburyemployment.ca

Mike (he/him)
Training Facilitator
Email: miked@sudburyemployment.ca

Dokun (she/her)
Employment Coach
Email: dokunn@sudburyemployment.ca

Nike (she/her)
Employment Coach
Email: Niker@sudburyemployment.ca

Pauline (she/her)
Employment Specialist
Email: paulined@sudburyemployment.ca

Karen (she/her)
Employment Specialist
Email: karenl@sudburyemployment.ca

Gurpreet (she/her)
Employment Specialist
Email: gurpreetk@sudburyemployment.ca

Maitri (She/her)
Employment Coach
Email: maitris@sudburyemployment.ca

Fallon (she/her)
Engagement Specialist/Job Developer
Email: fallons@sudburyemployment.ca

Chiemeka (he/him)
Engagement Specialist/Job Developer
Email: chiemekan@sudburyemployment.ca

Akshay (he/him)
Engagement Specialist/Job Developer
Email: akshaya@sudburyemployment.ca
Board of Directors
If you wish to contact one of our Board Members, please contact Spark Employment Services through one of our contact options.

Jim (he/him)
"I encourage anyone who is unemployed or underemployed to seek advice and assistance from our highly committed and talented staff. Follow your passion and continue to learn every day to stay relevant in a changing job market."

Diedre (she/her)
Vice Chair
"The staff at Spark Employment Services are passionate about their work and are truly committed to delivering client centered services. It is their mission to support everyone on their journey to finding meaningful employment opportunities."

Greg (he/him)
"If you’re walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress – Barack Obama"

Parvinder (he/him)
"I hope that when clients leave Spark Employment Services, they have had a positive experience and were able to have more tools in their toolbox than they had when they entered our doors. "Be open to new experiences"

Luke (he/him)
"I believe empowering others is the best way to see change and growth in our communities, and one of the best ways to achieve that is through employment. I am excited to learn how Spark provides training and education to assist clients in finding meaningful employment."

Steven (he/him)
"It is amazing to be a part of an organization with highly knowledgeable staff that help so many clients enhance their quality of life."
Annual Reports
You can download annual reports by clicking one of the options below.
Our Funders
Spark Employment Services gratefully receives funding from the government and sector partners, allowing us to deliver employment and training solutions at no cost to job seekers and employers.

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